I'm in trouble. My morning is going down hill at a rapid pace! I woke up LATE this morning to a barking dog and a ringing doorbell. The little guy I babysit was already here and I'd overslept! SUCK! OH, and I had just been pulled out of a dream that was a bit on the inappropriate side considering I'm not still in the dating world. I hate those!!!!!! Then after I made myself some coffee, I burned my mouth on that because I wasn't paying attention to the weirdness of the cup I decided to drink from. It's shaped a bit differently and the contents seem to come out quite fast and unexpectedly if you're not being careful. Then, Rachel was asking for juice..... yeah, still don't have milk but I don't get any cereal either....... and as I was pouring her juice into her cup, I knocked it over with my arm right down onto my cabinets and a rug on which I was just wondering yesterday how in the world I'm supposed to get it clean. Now, this is no ordinary juice. This is RED juice that spilled on my WHITE cabinets. This is not a good thing. And here it is before 8am. This is not a good sign. Although, I think this gives me an excuse to repaint my cabinets. I already have hair dye in one little spot from about 2 months ago and now this. I should just redo my whole kitchen. That would make me feel better. Oh and at least I didn't break my coffee pot - knock on wood - or that might have sent me over the edge. I would have been dragging these kids out to the nearest convenient store for my caffiene fix. And Lord help me on what will happen between now and noon if this is how things are going so far.
OH!! Addition!! 8:30am - my child now has yellow highligher marks on her face and neck because Negligent & Unattentive Mommy left out her highlighter last night and baby girl decided it would be oh so fun to mark all over herself!!! Jesus, help me.
See my blog, my friend. I am with you!
Just put a cartoon on for the kids and get back in bed. It's not looking like being up is worth it today.
Yesterday my daughter got the pen I left out while addressing holiday cards and wrote all over herself and her pajamas while I was checking my e-mail.
You are not alone.
If it makes you feel any better I just cleaned cran grape juice off my white cabinets
Ah, your kids will be fine - at least highlighter is not permanent Sharpie marker, which has been done before in my family.
Kristi - your day was worse, I think. :) See you Christmas????
Bleu - if only! One of these days I'll stay in bed and not feel guilty about it...... really.
Sarah - What is the fascination with children writing on themselves and their clothing? I just don't get it!
Queen - It makes me feel better that I wasn't the only one with stuff on my cabinets, but the fact that you got it clean makes me jealous! :)
Superchikk - Thank GOD it wasn't anything darker than yellow highligher and nothing permanent or I really might have lost all sense at that point.
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