Wednesday, February 01, 2006

Some Random Thoughts

First, my friend's picture obituary was in the paper today. That was a little nauseating seeing him in the OBITUARY section. It's just not right. However, I'm not going to let it get me down. I'm going to let it be a reminder to me to love more. We don't have another day promised to us, so I need to enjoy this one while I've got it!

On a subject that's not so heavy, we bought a new TV on Monday night. We don't have it yet, but will by the Super Bowl. I'm excited about this new piece of equipment as I'm sure I will get almost as much enjoyment out of it as my husband will. My big problem with it right now is there is not a piece of furniture in all of Northwest Arkansas (and even Oklahoma and Kansas) that I like and is in my preferred price range. Sure there are plenty of things I could get that would "do", but nothing that's striking me as "that's the one!" I've seen lots of pretty things that I wouldn't mind having, but then I look at the price tag - OUCH!! The major problem we have - there are NO entertainment centers, armoires, etc, that will fit the size TV that we decided on..... that is unless we want to pay a boat load of cash - and I don't - cause I'm cheap! But, I'm not so cheap as to want a piece of furniture in my home that looks like it belongs in a college guys apartment! I'm so frustrated about this that last night, I even had nightmares about finding pieces that I loved that were in my price range but then they were TOO SMALL!!!! AAAHHHHH!!!!!!

I big shout out goes to my friend Superchikk for coming over last night to help me organize my work space! Normally I feel like I'm a pretty organized person, but this particular area had gotten out of hand and I just hadn't taken the time to mess with it. So, as she's beginning a new business venture for herself, I very gladly accepted her offer to come and lend her expertise to my hideous desk. Let me tell you, the girl knows what she's doing and it was lovely to have a fresh perspective on stuff. I was able to empty 4 container items and everything now has a specific place and it's all neat!! And there's one basket in my desk now that doesn't have a thing in it!! When something is all in order like that, I feel so relaxed, so peaceful! And you should just see all the workspace I actually have on this little desk of mine! I have room to work!!!!! I love it!!! Thank you Superchikk!!

The Bachelor - what in the name of Pete is Moana STILL doing on this show? I'm so glad Sarah from Tennessee is still there. I'm still not liking Sarah Canada's little raspy whine, though. I'm starting to warm up to her, but that whine has got to go! And Susan from KS - I'm torn. She's beautiful and she seems nice and not the villain type and she is from where Hubby is from and so that kinda draws me to her. There's just something about her that I'm just not sure about. I'm really pulling for TN Sarah. I'm not seeing that romantic connection that I normally see between the Bachelor and his ladies, but maybe after the hometown dates we'll see it. I liked that he told her on their one-on-one date that he didn't have to doubt who she was and that he could tell she was just honest and had a pure character. I totally agree. I just need to see some "I want you" chemistry between them and it's not happening yet. Maybe after next week's episode, I can have a better handle on my prediction for the final rose. OOOOHHHH!! And for all you Bachelor fans in the area, the show will henceforth be viewed in HDTV at my casa on the new 37 inch LCD TV that my husband is itching to be delivered. All my homies are invited each and every Monday night through the remainder of the 'dating'!! :)

I'm off to do some research for what's going to contain this new TV. Wish me luck.


Katrina said...

I'm sorry about your friend. Thank you for a good reminder to make use of the time we have to make a difference to the people we know and love. What will I do about all those things I've put off doing and saying if tomorrow never comes? (Of course, at least I won't regret not getting around to the laundry or dishes...)

Congrats on getting your workspace organized! I know I get lots more done in my scrapbooks and everything else when I know where everything is and don't have to go rummaging for it.

Anonymous said...

Can Superchikk come organize my house?

What kind of TV (brand and model) did you get? Crisco has been itching to get one- be sure and let me know what you think of the one you are getting!

Superchikk said...

Thanks for bragging on me! I'm glad you are enjoying yourself, even if your Hubby is maybe a teeny, weeny bit grumbly about his stuff being moved. :)

SlushTurtle said...

Have you tried Mathis Brothers in Tulsa? They are pretty reasonable, and they deliver here for less than picking it up there and paying sales tax (if they deliver out of state, they don't charge sales tax).

Good luck- I know how hard it is to find just the right piece AND have it be in your price range.