Saturday, January 08, 2011

Old Testament Thoughts & Questions

I'm reading through my One Year Bible.  I've tried doing this for the past few years and other studies have come in from time to time and the poor little One Year Bible has been laid on the shelf and the other, bigger one has been brought out for my quiet time or bible study stuff.  I really want to make it my goal this year to read through the entire Bible.  I've never done it.  I'm pretty sure at some point I've read every verse in the Bible, but not straight through, knowing for certain I've read every single verse.  So this year I'm going to try again.

However, I must say, as I'm reading through the Old Testament, I have about 17,000 questions so far.  You talk about not going into detail (or at least the detail I want)!  Wow!  Take for instance today's reading about Lot leaving Sodom.  Hello!  Why in the world did Lot offer his daughters to the creeps at his door?!  Seriously?!  And then there's like one sentence about Lot's wife turning into a pillar of salt.  ONE SENTENCE!!!  What was Lot's wife thinking?  What did Lot and his daughters think or do when they saw here as a pillar of SALT!! Really?  There could have been a whole chapter about just that one incident.  But it got once sentence.  I find myself thinking, "And then what happened?" every time I open this book.  I guess maybe I'm supposed to think that?  Maybe I'm supposed to search more on my own.  Maybe I'm not supposed to know any of this until I get to heaven. Who knows.  All I know is that if the Bible had all the info I wanted, that dude would have been about 12 times thicker than it is now! 

Sometimes it makes me a bit sad, too, when I get to stuff like this where I have several questions about the Bible and want to go deeper, I think "I could ask Rich..." (my stepdad).  Oh how I wish I could.  He always knew the answer to whatever question I had.  He lived in his Bible and I think he knew that thing backwards and forwards.  I loved talking to him about anything to do with the Bible.  He went to be with Jesus 3 years ago and now he REALLY has all the answers.

1 comment:

Penelope said...

The Bible is one interesting book! Great book club material! Kay Arthur challenges us to dig deeper. Have you heard her speak? Amazing sermons that quote verse after verse.