On the right side of this blog is my Twitter timeline. Follow me on Twitter, username is miss_jilly_bean, or become my friend on facebook - or just read the timeline on this blog to keep up with me. I can spend 2 seconds updating Twitter more than I can find time to sit down at my computer, log in to blogger, type out a big message with pictures, etc, etc, etc.
Hopefully this weekend, there may be time to update the blog and get all of you who still might be interested a picture or two from our trip to Las Vegas. It was fabulous!!
On the adoption front, we have some inquiries in on a few kids from Arkansas and some other states. All I can say at this point is, this is a frustrating process dealing with the state! There is not one single person that seems to be an advocate for US. If we left it up to someone contacting us about available kids that might fit in our family, we would wait for years and maybe still never hear anything. It's really maddening sometimes to think that there are families like us that are ready and willing to take these kids who need families and yet no one is helping us! We are doing all the leg work. There's not one soul that has said, "Hey, it looks like we have a possible match for you" or "what about these kids, would you be interested?" Nothing. But we're not quitting. We're calling. We're emailing. We KNOW there are kids out there and we have a place for them and we WANT them! I know it's all just a matter of God's timing. His timing is perfect. His plan is perfect. There is a child or children out there that God has designed to be a part of our family. I'm constantly reminding myself that God is in total control, even when I think these people working for the state are all crazy.
Girl--I know it is frustrating--I am trying to volunteer somewhere and get a little mission started and I have had to STAY ON THEM and have been trying to get a start date for OVER A MONTH....and I know that they desperately NEED help. My guess for both situations is that they probably don't have the available staff to even be able to stay on top of this stuff. Be encouraged--it will work in God's timing and he will spark the motivation in you to stay on top of things!
I do not know you but just decided to click the link to the next blog and there you were. In our area, there is a link for foster kids wanting and needing to be adopted. It is at http://www.wsaz.com/ You then go to the tab labeled - LIFE from there- it is towards the bottom of the list-called Carries kids. She features a different child or children weekly that need a home. The state is West Virginia, not sure if that matters. Don't mean to intrude by any means but I am a Christian wife, and mother of 5 and just felt I needed to let you know. God Bless and I pray your family grows in God's time.
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