Lord have mercy... If I sneeze one more time, so help me...
If anyone has any tips on getting rid of the congestion, nasal pressure, and all that good stuff, please pass it along. I've about had it! I can't breath, my head is splitting, and I've sneezed a bazillion times in the past 24 hours. I do NOT have time for this!! CALGON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hey girl,
not to get too graphic here, but if it's green get on an antibiotic :) Otherwise, try to get on a prescription nasal spray and ask for xyzal (prescription allergy medicine).. I have horribe allergies and sinus probems all the time and so far this is the only thing that helps me and helps fast!! Good Luck, and feel better soon!
Zicam! Best stuff ever made. It's over the counter. Get a coupon here: http://www.zicam.com/
Instead of Calgon take a bath with that Johnson and Johnson's vapor bath. Love that stuff!
Also gross, but I've been told a Neti Pot works wonders. I haven't been brave enough to try it myself, though.
I usually just suffer through. Oh, and make everyone else miserable in the process. Because what fun is it alone?
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