Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Sometimes I Wish...

Sometimes I wish for these things:

* No responsibility - this is a big one. Sometimes I get really overwhelmed at all that I have to do as an adult and everything I have to remember.

* Long hair again - I look at ladies with longer hair and kick myself on occasion for having cut mine off.

* Eating freedom - I wish I could just eat every bit of ice cream, donuts, sweet whatever, chips, Big Macs, you name it, without gaining an ounce. I don't really want to exercise to help out in this matter, either. My brother and dad both have this type of metabolism and it's really disgusting that I didn't get it! Why couldn't my brother have been the one to gain a pound by looking at a piece of chocolate cake? What would it have mattered to him?!

* A bigger closet - doesn't every woman?

* To be more organized - I like keeping things organized, but sometimes it just overwhelms me to think about getting things organized in the first place. Then I just let things pile up too long and then say "forget it".

* To be able to read faster - I read so slowly and yet I love to read. I wish I could read really fast and thus be able to read more because of it.

* To be clever - I admire people who are funny and clever with their thoughts - my husband being on the top of my list of those people. He can come up with anything right off the cuff and I so can't do that. I admire that and wish I had that quality.

There's so much more, but that's all I have time for. OH! That's another thing I wish. I wish I had more time to do whatever I want to do. I guess that falls under the responsibility thing, huh? Better go get those responsibilities taken care of so I can not feel guilty about blogging. :)


Carbon said...

What I would do for no responsiblity and be able to eat all the time. THose are my biggies for sure. DOn't u wish for a week to a month off. That would be awesome.

Oh wait, I am eating all the time. I get to use the "pregnancy card" as a pass but once the kid comes out, i'm unfortunately gonna have to do something about it :( sniff sniff. Life is cruel!

AfricaBleu said...

Ha! I've been cursing my long hair lately, wishing for the cute, mod 'do of my past - I would get it whacked in a SECOND, but I teach aerobics every night and the DARN MIC I use would squoosh the cute short hair bits down and look dorky. So I am chained to the pony-tail...

And more time to do ANYTHING would sure be nice - I thought our modern lifestyle, with all its fancy conveniences, was supposed to give us more time. So where is all that extra time?

What a rip-off.

sarah j. said...
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sarah j. said...

I wish I could eat anything I want and LOSE weight anyway. Like, wouldn't be cool if things like chocolate cake and pizza and all that other yummy "junk food" were actually the "diet foods"?? Oh yeah, that'd be great. :)


[and if I could spell, I wouldn't have had to delete the previous comment...]

Jill said...

Maki - it would be SO nice to have a lot of time off! And when I say that, I mean time away from EVERYTHING that has any responsiblity linked to it. Of course, by about day 2 or 3 I'd be missing my baby and missing sex...... it may actually take a few more days on the sex thing, but for sure missing my baby girl.

Bleu - you wanna trade hair? I want my pony tail back!!! And the whole time saving junk is just a ploy. It's gotta be some sort of conspiracy..... right?

Sarah - we should come up with some sort of plan to be able to eat anything and loose weight! We could make a FORTUNE!!!! I'll have to challenge my husband (food scientist) to invent some sort of negative calories - you know, when you eat it, instead of adding your calories for the day, you could subtract them! Ok, I'm loosing it.... time for beddie by....

sarah j. said...

Negative calories...the idea has merit...

Geek4god said...

You think you are not cleaver!!! Are you kidding me? Here is a quote from your blog…

(cheesy random blog question)
Which is more important to you and why: flexibility or expandability?

(cleaver Jill comment)
Depends on if I'm pregnant or not.

Ohhh my gosh!! That totally cracked me up!! Scarred me for LIFE, but cracked me up!!! That was officially clever!

Jill said...

Mary P - If I were you and had all those little ones each day, I'd wish for time alone, too. Totally understand you there! I was just telling Hubby yesterday I needed more energy and oh to have a self-cleaning house! Oh the joy!

Sarah - we really need to run with the negative calorie idea!!

Geek - Thanks for that! You're the greatest encourager EVER!!!

Anonymous said...

why do women always worry about looks and weight-its whats in your heart and mind that matters most to God-besides since he made the world in six days,surely he can deal with the weight,so pig out while you can-you will have eternity to get the weight off and i believe the manna in heaven will be nonfat