Friday, September 09, 2005

Is it bad...

My husband and I had a conversation over the weekend about our household duties and how he was going to make up a schedule of things we'd do each day so that we could be 'organized' with our housecleaning. I have been feeling a bit overwhelmed because of having to pick up after children all day and then sometimes pick up after Hubby at days end - not to mention pick up my own things. Now, I'm not saying that Hubby doesn't do anything around the house. That simply isn't the case. He really does help out quite a bit, but there are moments when I wonder "if I just left those dishes there, I wonder how long it would be until he realized there was mold growing and then pick them up himself?". So, after our conversation, we have this color coded cleaning chart hanging on our fridge (which is great for me because I take well to lists like that). Now this was all done so that I could do what I had time for during the day amidst caring for the kids and working my business and then whatever I didn't have time for, Hubby will take care of in the evenings after he gets home. My question now is, since I have all the things done that are on the list for today, is it bad that I don't want to work? That was the whole reason this was done is so I could have more time to work and now I don't want to. I just want to sit down at watch 30 Minute Meals or...eeek! Oprah!..... or read my book that's due back at the library in a couple days or really anything other than work. Is that just terrible?


AfricaBleu said...

Just awful.

Now sit your butt down and have some Hot Tamales.

Jill said...

Ah yes - Hot Tamales....... thanks for reminding me! I think I shall take a break with a little Days of Our Lives, too! :)