Monday, August 21, 2006

I got up this morning and went back to Body Pump. I hurt my back sometime in July and was out for a couple weeks then. I then used the excuse of going to Seminar in Dallas and missing that week of working out. Then last Monday, I was dressed and ready to walk out the door when I went to kiss my husband goodbye and he was burning up with fever. So, as I nursed him for a few minutes, I missed my leaving time and if you're not at the class on time, you might as well forget it. So, I didn't go then. On Wednesday of last week, I was going to go, had my alarm set and everything.... and slept right through the stupid alarm. I was ticked when I woke up at 5:23 and then class starts at 5:30am. CRAP! Friday, the power went out at the gym and they didn't have class. I didn't go, but still. I wouldn't have been able to work out then anyway. But this morning, by golly, I had my not-so-happy tail out of bed and on the road at 5am and was there in plenty of time to get all my goodies set out for the upcoming hour of hell. I told my girlfriend that I work out with not to ever let me miss that long of a period of time again before working out or I'll kill her first and then myself! I seriously felt like I wanted to vomit as I walked out of the gym. I know that I'll feel better for having done it, but right now, I just really want to go lay down in my bed and sleep. There is too much to be done today for me to do that, though.

Today is the first day of school for many kids, my stepdaughter included. That's all she could talk about all weekend..... I think she was a bit excited! :) I hope she has a great day.

Our boxer, Copper, is in heat.

She is modeling this lovely diaper/panty thing I had to buy her so that she wouldn't "drip" in the house. Try telling a 10 year old girl who has yet to ask any birds and bees question about how a dog gets pregnant. Yeah, not fun. I tried telling her that dogs can only get pregnant about 2 times a year and this is one of them. It's called being "in heat". But she wouldn't have babies this time because no boy dogs would visit her now. Tanner went shopping with her mom that afternoon after this conversation and told her mom that "Copper could get pregnant if she's out in the sun and gets too hot or something"..... aaahhhh..... the innocence of childhood!!

And I just have to show off this most precious picture. There's nothing like the sight your baby sleeping soundly on Daddy's chest... and Daddy also sawing a few logs himself....

This looks too comfy. I think I'll go take a nap myself now....


Superchikk said...

LOL at the doggie panties. We had our female fixed...I was not about to go thru periods for me AND her! And poor Tanner...she just doesn't quite make all the connections. But that's ok - if she thinks that you can get pregnant by being out in the sun, she'll have great skin when she gets older!

Carbon said...

I too like the dog diaper. That's hilarious. I never had dogs growing up or new enough about them either. I had no idea about dogs and heat for a long time.

That is a precious picture of them snoozing together :)

Anonymous said...

keep working on the workout-it's as much mental as phyiscal-too easy to procastinate and not do it-harder to get in shape than stay in shape